Can’t login to my Wordpress dashboard and can’t connect to FTP (FileZilla)

edited November -1 in Bug/Issue Reports

It all started when I tried to install a plugin and it failed, so I thought it was a problem that i didn’t update wordpress so I tried updating it and it failed too, and a maintenance page showed up so I tried to connect to FTP server to fix it because I saw YouTube tutorials say to delete the “.maintenance” file but I couldn’t connect. Then after few minutes maintenance page dissapeared and I could go to my website again (not logged in), but couldn’t log in to my dashboard (I also know I typed everything right and I checked capslock so that’s not a problem, I also don't get and email for password reset), so now I am stuck and don’t know what to do…

Is being unable to connect to wordpress dashboard connected to not being able to connect to FTP?

my website:

Thanks to anybody who tries to help.